THE PROCESS (for Authors)
- I read your manuscript draft.
- I provide an editorial assessment with detailed comments and recommendations.
- We have a conversation to share honest feedback on the editorial assessment, then come to an agreement on the service level.
- We determine the purpose of your story, your target audience, and the intended benefit.
- I begin editing your book.
FEES (for Authors)
Rates vary depending on manuscript size and service level. Fees based on editing service level established with agreement from both the editor and author.
Our first conversation is essential to determine specifics for a thorough assessment and quote, whether you plan to self-publish or pursue an agent to present your manuscript to a traditional publishing company.
Initial 40-minute conversation (and, if needed, one (1) follow-up phone call) to give price quote provided at no cost.
Contact for details.
(for Nonprofit, Small Business, Church / Ministry)
- I read what you already have.
- We talk about what you want to accomplish.
- What is the message?
- What is the purpose?
- Who are you trying to reach?
- I get up to speed on the value and impact of what you have to offer.
- Review previous written materials
- Conduct research and interviews
- Note differences between you and others providing similar services
- I use all of the above to develop your message.
"What if I don't have anything written down?"
No problem, we begin at step 2 and really focus on what you’re trying to say and why. Trust me, you have the pieces to create your message. You just need someone to organize your thoughts and express them from a different perspective, one that genuinely speaks to your target audience.
(for Nonprofit, Small Business, Church / Ministry)
Project fees established on an individual basis.
Our first conversation is important to determine specifics and establish the scope of your project (revision versus original creation, guidelines and organizational requirements, timeline, budget). A thorough assessment helps me to calculate the best rate for you.
Initial 40-minute conversation (and, if needed, one (1) follow-up phone call) to give price quote provided at no cost.
Contact for details.