Writing Help for Your

Nonprofit Organization


  • You meet a need in the community.
  • You are driven by your mission to meet that need.
  • You want others to learn about the work you do.
  • You want to inspire people to support your mission with their hands, hearts, and wallets.




What is the purpose of your message?

Why should people care?

How do you help to make something and/or someone better?



Nonprofits are mission-driven to help. Whatever your cause, everyone involved in your organization does so because they have faith in the mission and believe it will make a positive impact.


You understand the drive behind your passion. Bridge the gap and inspire others to join your efforts by lending a hand (volunteers), spreading the word (supporters), and giving financial support (donors and grant awards).





Make the Connection with Successful Improvements!


Marketing Materials

Brochures, annual reports, newsletters, organizational history, testimonials, outreach initiatives, press kits



Grant proposal narratives, solicitation letters


Internal Communication

Mission, vision, audience (donors, supporters, clients)



Click HERE for samples.

Click HERE to find out how the process works.





Mary Pahlke  https://pixabay.com/users/905513-905513/